Monday, July 22, 2013

Pleasure. Pain. Life: Subscription Page

Hi. My name is Bob Findlay. Thank you for dropping by to the landing page for my mega-blog, 'Pleasure, Pain. Life.'

As I am sure you have already worked out, 'Pleasure. Pain. Life' is all about the pleasure and pain that people endure, thrive on....and everything in between.

This all-encompassing blog is eclectic to say the least. Information contained in the blog for your perusal stems from both research and the rather unorthodox lifestyle led by 'yours truly.' 

You will receive off-the-wall factual stories that the newspapers won't print. You will also be able to access free music downloads, free e-books and spoken word recordings and a variety of blogs on almost any topic.

You'll need to sign in with a Google Account to view the blog. If you don't have one, you can do this simply by clicking here.

The subscription fee for access to 'Pain. Pleasure. Life' is a mere $5.00/year (USD). This price will NEVER be increased. Please allow approximately 48 hours for PayPal to process your transaction. I will notify you when your transaction has been completed.

Enjoy the ride!!!